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in percentage terms中文是什么意思

用"in percentage terms"造句"in percentage terms"怎么读"in percentage terms" in a sentence


  • 按百分比


  • The figures are expressed in terms of a percentage / in percentage terms
  • Lay out your page with tables , and set the width in percentage terms instead of a fixed number of pixels
  • In percentage terms , the judge held the sum to be just under 37 percent of charman ' s assets , built up through the insurance industry
    就百分比来说,法官把判决的数目订在查曼靠保险业创立起来的资产总额的37 %上。
  • 2 in percentage terms , though , the study says forest area expanded fastest in the last fifteen years in vietnam , spain and china
  • In percentage terms , the judge held the sum to be just under 37 percent of charman ' s assets , built up through the insurance industry
    就百分比来说,法官把判决的数目订在查曼靠保险业创立起来的资产总额的37 %上。
  • Specify your fonts in percentage terms instead of pixels , to let users set their own size preferences using their browser ' s text view options
  • In percentage terms , though , the study says forest area expanded fastest in the last fifteen years in vietnam , spain and china . and it shrank fastest in nigeria and the philippines
  • Increasing numbers of personal bankruptcies in the first half of the year did not help , and will require fairly large increases , in percentage terms , in provisions , although the absolute numbers should generally remain quite small
用"in percentage terms"造句  


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